Friday, May 1, 2009

upload satu gambar kegemaran anda

Kenapa anda suke gambar ini?
;koz pic after dinner sportrec yg sengal..
Bila kali terakhir makan pizza?
;lama dah kot, b4 akak kawen..
Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar?
;selalu mengalah
Apa yang anda buat selain selesaikan tag ni?
;study spycho lorh..
Selain nama sendiri anda suka dipanggil dengan nama apa?
;Fauna n ofkoz aLa..
Tag lagi 6 org*soalan seterusnya ada kaitan dgn org yg anda tag!
-c'Gadys remaja.
-a R k i p u t r a
Siapa no.1 pada anda?
;she is my oldlady crazy gurlfrenz..
Kata sesuatu brkenaan org no.5;
Bagaimana org no.4;
Siapa org no.2?
;tak tau..
Bagi pesanan pada org no.6;
1. How old are you?
-20yrs n 15days

2. Are you single?

3. At what age do you think you’ll get married?
-tak pernah terfikir..

4. Do you think you’ll marrying the person you are with now..

5. If not, who do you want to marry??
-only person who love me..

6. Who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
-my cousin and my bro..

7. Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding..
-depends on buget..

8. Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
-my own house..home sweet home..

9. How many guests do you think you’ll invite?
-sape yg sudi dtg jew..

10. Will that include your exes?

11. How many layers of cake do you want? ma..

12. When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
-mid night..

13. Name the song/tune you’d like to play at your wedding?

14. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon & fork?knife?
-fine dinning;)

15. Champagne or red wine?
-red wine (sirap da)

16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
-jgn gelojoh sgt...

17. Money or household items?

18. How many kids would you like to have?
-as much he can..

19. Will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
-just the sweet memory not the hot moment, ok...

20. Whose wedding plan would you like to know next?
-c'Gadys remaja.
-a R k i p u t r a
-story never ends..
1.Apakah hubungan awak dan dia?
-Ex-junior f5 and my love matchmaker

2. impressions terhadap dia?
-rajin on9 time cuti-cuti nie

3.Perkara paling memorable yang dilakukan kat awak?
-meet me wif him

4.perkara paling memorable yang dia kata pada awak?
-kak ala

5. Kalau dia kekasih awak.. awak akan...?
-rindu kenangan lama bersama

6. Kalau dia jadi musuh awak.. awak akan..?
-cuba berbaik sedaya yg mampu

7. Kalau dia kekasih awak.. dia perlu improve dlm?
-nothing..she is perfect..

8. Kalau dia musuh awak.. mungkin kerana
-jarang bersama n tak mcm dulu..

9. overall impression ttg dia
-good gurl..

10.The most desirable thing to do to her /him
-tengok wayang..kot..

11. Apakah awak rasa tentang pandangan org terhadap awk?
-terok sgt..

12. the character of you for yourself?

13. On contrary, the character you hate about you
-too friendly with boyz..

14. The most ideal person you want to be with?
-ayah n ibu..

15. For people who like you, tell sumthing about them.
-i love you

16. Ten people you tag:

17. no 2 ade hubungan dgn sape?
-no answer..

18. is no 3 male or female?
-no answer..

19. if no 5 and no 7 ade relationship?
-no answer..

20.Macam mane dgn no5 dan no 8 pula?
-no answer..

21. no 4 single kah?
-no answer..

22. no 1 belajar apa?
-no answer..

23. say sumtin about no 6
-no answer..

4. no 9 kelakar tak?
-no answer..